Plaisance—the name evokes the pleasantness of a landscape broken by bays, ponds, and marshes. In spring, Plaisance puts on a performance with thousands of Canada Geese. Come summer, it's a paradise for ducks, herons, ospreys, and dozens of other species. It's also the Ottawa River's soft breeze that makes the tall grasses bend and toss in a wave-like roll across the Petite Presqu'île, not far from the campground.
{"id":644,"name":"Parc national de Plaisance","type":"toponym","subtype":"","cover":"f70356ce6f361c2f","google_id":"ChIJ3WuTQb5czkwR8VMMLTWssX8","lat":45.59892,"lng":-75.108449,"routes":[],"readonly":1,"moderation_wanted":0,"description":"Plaisance—the name evokes the pleasantness of a landscape broken by bays, ponds, and marshes. In spring, Plaisance puts on a performance with thousands of Canada Geese. Come summer, it's a paradise for ducks, herons, ospreys, and dozens of other species. It's also the Ottawa River's soft breeze that makes the tall grasses bend and toss in a wave-like roll across the Petite Presqu'île, not far from the campground.","attributes":{"activities":["car camping","RVing","biking","canoeing","kayaking","fishing","rabaska","hiking","swimming","cabins"]},"fields":[["Website",""],["Reservation",""],["Roofed accommodation",""]],"state":"public","pics":["f70356ce6f361c2f"],"picsInfo":[{"id":"f70356ce6f361c2f","description":""}],"rels":null,"availability":{"calendar":null,"lastUpdateDate":null},"reviews":[]}