Hollow River-Dividing Lake -
Access to the Dividing Lake Provincial Nature Reserve and Algonquin Park if sound here. From Hwy 35, 1.1 km north of the village of Dorset, turn east onto Livingstone Lake Road. Access point is near the Livingstone Lodge on Livingstone Lake, interior permits are available at the Tower Hill Marine on Hwy 35.
{"id":336,"name":"Hollow River / Dividing Lake - #14","type":"wateraccess","subtype":"","cover":null,"google_id":"","lat":45.370117,"lng":-78.722191,"routes":[],"readonly":1,"moderation_wanted":0,"description":"Hollow River-Dividing Lake -\nAccess to the Dividing Lake Provincial Nature Reserve and Algonquin Park if sound here. From Hwy 35, 1.1 km north of the village of Dorset, turn east onto Livingstone Lake Road. Access point is near the Livingstone Lodge on Livingstone Lake, interior permits are available at the Tower Hill Marine on Hwy 35.","attributes":{"activities":["backcountry camping","canoeing"]},"fields":[["Friends of Algonquin","http://www.algonquinpark.on.ca/visit/camping/hollow-river-dividing-lake-access-point.php"]],"state":"public","pics":null,"picsInfo":[],"rels":[{"id":7,"lat":45.8371591,"lng":-78.3791239,"name":"Algonquin","type":"toponym","subtype":"Provincial Park"}],"availability":{"calendar":null,"lastUpdateDate":null},"reviews":[]}