Sunday Creek - Located on Hwy 60 at Kilometre 42.5. This seldom used access point can lead to some of the more secluded experiences off of the park's corridor. Parking is available at the Spruce Bog Boardwalk Trailhead. Permits are available at the East Gate.
{"id":332,"name":"Sunday Creek - #10","type":"wateraccess","subtype":"","cover":null,"google_id":"","lat":45.587205,"lng":-78.373677,"routes":[],"readonly":1,"moderation_wanted":0,"description":"Sunday Creek - Located on Hwy 60 at Kilometre 42.5. This seldom used access point can lead to some of the more secluded experiences off of the park's corridor. Parking is available at the Spruce Bog Boardwalk Trailhead. Permits are available at the East Gate.","attributes":{"activities":[]},"fields":[["Friends of Algonquin",""]],"state":"public","pics":null,"picsInfo":[],"rels":[{"id":7,"lat":45.8371591,"lng":-78.3791239,"name":"Algonquin","type":"toponym","subtype":"Provincial Park"}],"availability":{"calendar":null,"lastUpdateDate":null},"reviews":[]}