Source Lake - From Hwy 60, turn North at Kilometre 20.1 from the West Gate. A short dirt road takes you from Hwy 60 to the access point at Source Lake, home of Camp Pathfinder. Permits are available at Canoe Lake access.
{"id":329,"name":"Source Lake - #7","type":"wateraccess","subtype":"","cover":null,"google_id":"","lat":45.564304,"lng":-78.843774,"routes":[],"readonly":1,"moderation_wanted":0,"description":"Source Lake - From Hwy 60, turn North at Kilometre 20.1 from the West Gate. A short dirt road takes you from Hwy 60 to the access point at Source Lake, home of Camp Pathfinder. Permits are available at Canoe Lake access.","attributes":{"features":[],"activities":[]},"fields":[["Friends of Algonquin",""]],"state":"public","pics":null,"picsInfo":[],"rels":[{"id":7,"lat":45.8371591,"lng":-78.3791239,"name":"Algonquin","type":"toponym","subtype":"Provincial Park"}],"availability":{"calendar":null,"lastUpdateDate":null},"reviews":[]}