The campsite is located on McCrae Lake, McCrae Lake Conservation Reserve. This is a very large, very popular and nice overall campsite with a great view at the opposite side of McCrae Straight. It is exposed to its private backwater, thus not affected by winds blowing from Georgian Bay. It is featured by a tiny sandy beach.
{"id":1393,"name":"McCrae Lake Campsite 24","type":"campsite","subtype":"Waterside campsite","cover":null,"google_id":"","lat":44.926437,"lng":-79.8180281,"routes":[],"readonly":1,"moderation_wanted":0,"description":"This is a very large, very popular and nice overall campsite with a great view at the opposite side of McCrae Straight. It is exposed to its private backwater, thus not affected by winds blowing from Georgian Bay. It is featured by a tiny sandy beach.","attributes":{"features":["mature pines","picnic table"]},"fields":[],"state":"public","pics":null,"picsInfo":[],"rels":[{"id":45,"lat":44.9393569,"lng":-79.8133491,"name":"McCrae Lake Conservation Reserve","type":"toponym","subtype":""},{"id":1350,"lat":44.9192433,"lng":-79.7988866,"name":"McCrae Lake","type":"waterbody","subtype":"Lake"}],"availability":{"calendar":null,"lastUpdateDate":null},"reviews":[]}