
Going outdoors?

Planning for a trip? Looking for a good place to go? Not sure what to take on your next adventure, or simply need a packing list?

Here"s the web service to help you, outdoor adventurer!

A tree house


Community driven maps for parks, outfitters, access points, campsites and much more! All locations that might be of interest in a single place at your convenience!

Explore maps
A map

Gear checklist

No matter what activities you are going to take, either it is canoeing, kayaking, backpacking, car camping or day hiking, we build a packing list that fits your needs. Everything is covered!

A checklist

How it works?

It’s as easy as a piece of cake:

Next time we"ll do it for you, so you don"t have to type things twice! No printing or Excel anymore!

A pencil

Stay mobile

Check the gear on your phone while packing it, and never miss a single thing. You are one click away from your destination. Just open it in Google Maps and get your directions.

Mobile phone


Сamping with friends? Create a packing list, share it, and work on the list together!

A branching plant

Weather forecast

Last but not least. Stay updated on weather forecast for a location you travel to.

Air balloon

Sign up now!

Sounds amazing? Want to sneak a peek at our service? and welcome to the party!

A rocket!